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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Crimes, My thoughts

You may not believe it but I can remember a time when I could go to sleep at night and not have to worry about what would happen to me at night. I could ride my bike for miles and I did it without anyone worrying about me. When I was growing up I could get up grab my shotgun, get some food and leave. I would be gone for 2 or 3 days and no one worried. Now you can’t drive down the street without the feat that someone may come out and try and carjack you.

Here we have all of these inmates in prison sitting around watching TV. lifting weights getting bigger and stronger. Talking to other inmates and learning from them how to commit more and better crimes in and out of prison. When they get out they go right back in. So here we are supporting a group of people that there is nothing wrong with that are healthier than you or I and we get nothing in return. Why not put their lazy butts to work?

Look, this is supposed to be a punishment, not a freaking “Club Med”. They get free cable, free food, free medical, free whatever they don’t need and more. All they need is a place to sleep, work and food. Put them on a farm, their own farm, if that’s the way to go. Have them build their own barracks or live in tent cities, if it’s good enough for our soldiers it’s good enough for them. All they need is a fan in the summer and a heater in the winter, maybe an outhouse or two, that’s right an outhouse. Put them to work on farms that produce crops for commercial sales. Put them to work making goods that can be bought and used by everyone. Just something to get them off their lazy butts. If they like killing so much put them in the slaughterhouse. No books, no TV, no newspapers, no nothing, free labor.

Here’s an idea, maybe we should make it so that the family of the inmate has to support them in jail that way it takes the burden off of the ones of us that don’t have family in jail. Yeah, I like that one too. Maybe people would think twice before they committed a crime knowing that their family would be put into this hardship. Get rid of the parole. If you do the crime you do the time, all of it. With the money that we would save on this we could pay the guards enough that they would not have to take bribes or sell drugs or whatever to the inmates to make ends meet. We could have more programs in schools to help kids and get them to college, maybe even drop the cost of college down.

But, hey what do I know; I’m just using common sense.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

STOP THE INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, on this one here I want some feed back.

First off let me say Merry Christmas to all of you and I hope you have a Happy New Year. That's right I said Christmas, not hoildays. The reason I mention this is this is going to be the focus of my blog today. Lets start off in Taunton, Mass.
A 2nd grade teacher told her class to draw a picture of what Christmas meant to them. One little 8 year old boy had just visted a shrine with his parents a week or so before so it was still stuck in his mind. He drew a picture of Jesus on the cross. Now I know that should be more for Easter, but still Christmas is his brithday so I'll give him points for getting the right person there. Well anyway, when the teacher saw it, she called the parents to come pick up the child and stated that he needed to undergo a, now get this, "Psychological Evaluation". They thought that we was a "danger" to himself and to others in his class. Of course he passed it and now the parents are asking for an apology, which they will never get because the schools sees that they did nothing wrong.

Next story, Old Bridge, New Jersey, Masdion Park Elementary School. A 3rd grader was ordered to put her Bible away and out of sight of the other childern when she was caught reading it during quite time. This is a time when they are allowed to read, or nap. From reports, the teacher got very angry with her, saying that school was not a place for such things. But I will give kudos to the principal. He has allowed the 3rd grader to bring her Bible back to school and apoloized to the family and the little girl. It is said that he stated that as long as she is reading the Bible during her quite time that is allowed. The teacher on the other hand has been dealt with.

Next one. Wisconsin, Governor Jim Doyle, who had millions donated to him by SEIU for his campain, has sign a bill that makes it a requirement that all students in schools of that state to be taught how wonderful it is to be part of Organized Lador. You all remember what good ole Andy Stren said about workers "Workers of the world unite". You remember that on one, that was the same words used in Russia, China, Cuba and everywhere else that they have communism. You know good ole Andy Stren, he's the one that wrote the Healthcare bill that they are trying to get passed in Congress now.

Anyway, just some simple facts here:
92% of Americans Believe in God.
83% of Americans Believe that Schools should celabate Christmas as a reiligous hoilday
66% of Americans celabate Christmas as a reiligous hoilday
6% of Americans don't celabate nothing at all
3% of Americans when asked these questions didn't know what to say.

So let me as you this if this is such a faith based country, why are we trying to take our faith out of our country? Why is that if one person in a group of thousands stands up and says I don't believe in God so we should pray, why do the 999 say ok and back down? Are we that scared of one person? What's wrong America, have you lost your heart, have you really lost your faith? According to the numbers we haven't. So what's the deal?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What do you think

From time to time I will be doing a story here and at the end I will ask "What do you think?". I would really like to know your opinions, how you feel about it and your thoughts on the subject.

Story One:

A few years ago over in Hinds county, I live in Rankin, a crimmial was arrested and put into the Hinds County Detention Center. I won't use race here, just the facts. While there that person got into a fight with another inmate and was put into the hosptial, the county (taxpayers) paid his medical bills, but the inmate was told that they would not ever be able to walk again and be wheelchair bold.

The inmate, after they got out sued Hinds County and the Sheriff, saying that they did not protect him or prevent him from getting hurt, so therefore since he is now unable to work for the rest of his life, they should have to pay. He sued for over 5 million dollars.

Now, here's my thoughts on the subject. The inmate was in jail for dealing drugs, something he had been arrested on many times, so therefore he was a repeat offender.
In prison you have to watch out for yourself, you have no friends, plus he was a member of a gang and the one who attacked him was of a rival gang, so there was some bad blood there already. He would have known who was who when he walked in. Now as far as working for a living, I don't think he has ever worked at all, unless you call selling drugs to kids working.

So, here is my point, if he had been a good citizion, worked hard and had stayed out of trouble he would not have been in jail in the first place to have gotten attacked. By being a drug dealer and gang member he knew the risk and took them anyway, thereby putting himself in that place to get himself hurt and not able to walk. So in my view, it is not the county or the sheriffs fault that he is now unable to walk. It is not even the other inmates fault, it is his own fault. He took the path that lead him down to where he is now. If that means that he is unable to do anything like sell drugs, rob, kill, or anything else then I say good, that just means we have gotten one less crimmial off the street.

So, what do you think?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

SEIU union thugs run St. Louis government.

It seems to me that SEIU, is now running St. Louis as well as the White House and Congress. After being videotaped beating and kicking a black man who was handing out “Don’t tread on me” flags. They called him the “N” word. In any other case Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP and any other group would be down there yelling that this was a hate crime and infringed on his first adminment rights. Where are they though? No where, because the people who beat him were SEIU members and they don’t want to lose any money that they get from that group. Well what about the DA for that city, aren’t they doing anything? Check this out, not wanting to piss off the president the most they are chargeing them with adds up to jaywalking.

If this had happened to one of them it would have been on every news network there is and around the clock coverage until the people had been put in jail. Jesse, Al and the rest would have been on tv talking about how bad it was and that they were going to be suing them and everything else. But because this was one of obamas boys you didn’t hear about it unless you listien to the right news networks.


There is a reason for everything.

Well hello again, so here it is. I have always believed that things happens for a reason. Like when I got sick, that was Gods way of telling me to slow down and enjoy time with my family and maybe to pay back some of the things that I had done in my past. Let’s take today for exaimple, got up this morning went to the head and peed blood, ok, that’s bad. Went to church anyway, went to the head again, peed blood again, went back told wife going to the VA. Got to the VA, checked in at the AO (ER) and waited reading my bible.
When I finnialy got to see the doc of course they wanted blood test and x-rays. Well while they were taking my blood got to talking and shooting the bull with a few of the nurses. I mentioned that “things happen for a reason”. Well after the x-rays I went back into the waiting room. One of the nurses came out and told me that someone else had just said the same thing to her. I looked at her and smiled and said” well I guess that was my reason for coming here today” I asked her what was wrong” She wanted to know how I knew something some wrong. Simple, if nothing was wrong what I had said and what the other person had said would have just passed her by. I told her that no matter what is going on in life it is done for a reason. Then she asked about the little girl that died last week what reason could there be for that. Well, maybe God wanted the parents to come closer to him or maybe he wanted to make way for another child and he knew that they would not be able to support two or three. there are a thousand reasons God called her home. But he had a reason. I told that no matter her problem all of answers could be found in the bible. I didn’t ask what her problem was but she said thanks and seemed more at peace than when she had come before.
So remember no matter what happens it is happening for a reason and God will not give you more than you can handle.

Sports the root of all evil

Hello all, what is on and in the mind of Robert today? There is so much that I could talk about, things that make me mad, things that make me laugh, things that make me go hmmm. I have a head full of useless information. Like, did you know that the length of your wirst to you elbow is the same as your foot. Yeah, I know, crazy, right. Anyway, what about sports. I hate sports, I won’t watch them. I think that the players of the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB and any other pro sport are paid way to much for notthing. I don’t have notthing agaisnt high school or college sports, that’s fine, but after that there should be no sports played what so ever. They are put up on pedestals and most people worship them as gods. They are not the best role models, I mean look at all of the ones that have been put in jail for drugs, fighting, drinking and such. If we were to put all of the money that we spend on these pros into science and resreach, I wonder how better off we would be now. How many cures would we have now? How much smarter would our childern be? How better would our lives be, would hunger be gone? Would there be any homeless? I’m not one of those tree hugging, snail dodgeing liberals, I think we should kill all of the ones on death roll, (I’ll get to that on a later one) everyone should tote a gun on their side, obama hating person. I just don’t think sports is very important and that we could be doing more with the money then what we are. Now I know I’m going to have some people out there that hate me for what I’m saying, but think about it, if we were using the money you spend on sports maybe that person you loved who died of cancer or of something else would not have died if we had used it for resreach instead.